EM3 Meter Full Specifications

Magnetic Field Frequency Range:
   +/- 1 dB @ 16 Hz, 50 Hz - 120 kHz (0.01 mG - 25 mG) (1 nT – 2500 nT)
   Reduced tolerance up to 100 mG (10,000 nT) per axis or 173 mG 3D (17,300 nT)

Electric Field Frequency Range:
   +/-1 dB @ 16.7 Hz, 50 Hz - 400 kHz (0.01 V/m - 10 V/m)
   +/- 1 dB @ 16.7 Hz, 50 Hz - 120 kHz (0.01 V/m - ~45 V/m)
   Reduced tolerance up to 200 V/m

Body Voltage Frequency Range:  50Hz - 120 kHz

Body Voltage Input Impedance:  10 Mohm +

Number of Axis:  1 Electric field (Y Axis) and 3 Magnetic field (X, Y, Z Axis)

Magnetic Field Strength Range:
   0.01 mG - 100 mG (Frequency Dependant) 1 Axis
   0.01mG-173mG 3D, 3 Axis

Electric Field Strength Range:  0.01 V/m - 200 V/m (Frequency Dependant)

Body Voltage Strength Range:  1 mV - 12,000 mV

Audio Output: Geiger counter effect. Varying Clicks with Power
Display Type: OLED Display
Battery Type: AA (x2)
Battery Life: Approx. 18 hours
Low Battery Detection: Display on OLED
Filters: 16.7 Hz Band Pass, Full >50 Hz (without 16.7 Hz), > 60 Hz High Pass and >2 kHz High Pass
I/O Connectors: USB-C Power, 3.5mm (1/8") Port